Drywall Water Damage
in Boston, MA
Drywall is a popular material for ceilings in commercial or residential spaces. It’s light, it looks good and it’s relatively inexpensive. However, drywall ceilings are particularly vulnerable to water damage. You may not notice it, but water from spills, pipe leaks and torrential rain can accumulate within your ceilings over the years and deal significant damage to your property.
As water accumulates on drywall, it weakens the gypsum core of the material and degenerates its structural integrity. Pressure from gravity and the weight of the water increases over time, making the ceiling cave in ever so slightly until it breaks and releases the liquid to everything and everyone below. The spilling water can damage textiles, short-circuit equipment, destroy documents and even start fires. The presence of water on drywall can also encourage mold growth; this presents a real threat to the health of the people in your building.

If you suspect water intrusion in your drywall, don’t wait for the ceiling to fall before you take action. Call Kennedy Restoration Services and get professional water damage restoration assistance immediately. We are Boston’s leading provider of cleaning and restoration assistance. With an experienced team, scientific methods and modern equipment, we are your best choice when it comes to making sure that your home or workplace is in top shape.
Our friendly staff is ready to talk to you any time of the day, any day of the week. We’ll be happy to answer all of your questions and to address your every concern. For general inquiries, you can also reach us via our Contact Us form.
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Water Damage

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